Taldoo – Unleash Your Employees’ Talents

taldoo talent management database

Martin and I both used to work for larger companies but even with several thousands co-workers we had to buy external services for translations, events etc.. We weren’t able to get access to the “real” internal talent pool. So we started to build taldoo – the new way of talent management.

In bigger companies you have a large number of staff members with endless skills and talents but you need a way to get access to them.

taldoo talent management app

Last week, taldoo our web-based talent database went live. With taldoo we offer an easy way to get to your staff members’ talents. It’s an easy to use, super sleek application which we offer to companies. Your staff members register their non-business related talents within the taldoo talent database. With taldoo’s search function you can look for specific talents and ask them to join your projects.

Support your talents and save costs at the same time. How great is that! 🙂


taldoo – unleash undiscovered talents within your company.


Our Mission – a new Way of Talent Management

We believe to unfocus your employees minds with activities stimulating their non-business related skills will lead to motivated, engaged and much more business focussed staff members. At the same time your company saves costs and builds a new way of talent management.

Our Web Application

We try to keep everything as simple and sleek as possible. First an administrator (for example HR or Management) registers the company. Afterwards, the administrator adds users to the company account. The users can add their skills and talents. If somebody within the company is looking for a special talent, they can search and filter the skills within the taldoo talent database and send a message to the staff member.

How much does it cost? Up to 20 user taldoo is free. So you can try and test everything. We offer plans based on the number of users. You’ll find the actual pricing here.

If you want to learn more about taldoo – visit taldoo.com or send me a message.

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